What to expect from this blog in 2019


Hi Friends + Fam,

For years I wanted to launch a lifestyle blog. So in 2016 I purchased a URL, came up with a cute name (HappyHyggeHome), and then for the next two years I pondered branding, content, design, etc. After years of doing nothing, I finally realized I lacked the vision and confidence to get it off the ground. So, I deleted the URL and moved on.

But after saying goodbye to my nonexistant website, I still felt a longing to create a place online where I could jot down all the ideas that are confined to my head. The other evening when I was tossing and turning with my pregnancy insomnia and general discomfort, I experienced an inward eye moment. It occurred to me that 1.) I can write about whatever I want to without all the hoopla of fancy branding; 2.) I already have a blog (this one!) where my thoughts can live; and 3.) I can be my authentic self right here. What an amazing, freeing realization. I suddenly couldn’t sleep because I was excited!

So rather than creating a “branded” lifestyle site, what will I be doing with this here blog? The thoughts on this blog will be a reaction and counterpoint to millennial lifestyle websites that exist today, specifically in regard to home design and style, which is where my head and pen have been at for the past few years.

Recently I’ve noticed professional publications dumbing down their content for the 20- and 30-some audience. As a millienial who works in the realm of lifestyle publishing, I’m personally insulted by this. Current shelter publications assume its younger readers don’t know chevron from herringbone and modern from contemporary.  Ahem, we do. Those of us who are passionate and curious about design don’t want our content to be diluted. We don’t want blog posts and stories that read like “Lifestyle for Dummies.” We want the real deal: smart stories about inspired design.

I’ve also noticed that shelter publications catering to the millennial crowd aren’t cherry-picking spaces that are worthy of being showcased. Instead I find myself staring at homes that lack in taste and personality, and instead are carbon copies of the same tired, unoriginal trends that exist on every other blog.

With that said, here are a few thoughts on topics I’d like to address on the blog in the near future:

-stop trying to make fetch happen: 5 design trends that need to stop now
-the tao of books: stop styling them and just let them be
-an argument against IKEA hacks

I’m also giving myself room to write about whatever the heck I want to, beause this is my blog and I do what I want. So blog posts also may be about recipes, vacations, cats … who knows! Basically, you can expect to find any lifestyle topic that I already professionally write about (architecture + interiors, arts + culture, food + drink, travel, weddings, etc.) on the blog.

What do you think current lifestyle websites lack that you’d like to see here? Let me know. I’d love to hear.

Happy New Year! xo, marissa 

2 thoughts on “What to expect from this blog in 2019

  1. darkness (@shoppher) says:

    Looking forward to seeing what you will have here! I miss blogging too, and having a place to talk about fashion and design and color. I agree that many “lifestyle” brands feel carbon copy and also unattainable to the everyday person (either because of time or $).

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